PPO: Populist Party Ontario

Shelley Batcules is the President and co-founder of the PPO: Populist Party Ontario, and a Canadian artist. Click on the link to visit the official website.

Shelley Batcules is the PPO: Populist Party Ontario President and co-founder.  Shelley and her husband Jim Torma formed the party after working closely with PPC People's Party of Canada and the leader Maxime Bernier.  Following a month long journey at the Trucker Convoy in Ottawa, Jim Torma and Shelley Batcules determined it was important to form a new political party to represent the province of Ontario.  Shelley Batcules created and registered the new PPO party, and Jim Torma stepped down as PPC Regional co-ordinator to become the leader of the PPO.  The PPO principles are based in what was upheld in the PPC.
As a Canadian artist and content creator, Shelley utilizes her diverse creative skill sets to develop creative campaign strategies and productions for the PPO that includes event planning, social media, videography, editing, animations, copywriting, web, graphic and design.
The PPO welcomes all those who are unwavering in their support of the principles that built this country.  The principles of freedom and of justice.  Of democracy and of fairness.  And that of personal responsibility.  Like those who came before us, we all have a role to play in building the future we want.  Our populist  Party is for those who are proud to be Canadian!​​​​​​​
If you believe in the rule of law, elected representation, and a government that is responsible and answerable to the people, then the PPO is your political home.
If you’re tired of watching as big government, medical bureaucracies, and “social justice warriors” keep trying to destroy the free society we’ve all worked so hard to build - this is where you belong.
The Populist Party Ontario (PPO) has been created to provide an option for those who recognize that our established political parties, and indeed our entire institution of representative democracy has failed, and continues to fail the people.
Our political parties and our Institutions of Democracy have become beholden to corporate and special interests. Our governments and institutions have advanced/promoted a culture of collectivism, escalating debt, and an attack on our culture and freedoms without a moral compass to constrain these abuses.
For years, we have witnessed our governments erode and trample upon our natural rights and ignore the laws designed to protect citizens from the tyranny of government overreach.  These abuses have only escalated under the guise of “public health” measures implemented in response to COVID-19 hysteria.
Every day we’re reminded that our rights and freedoms have no more value than the paper they are written on - that is, of course unless honest & courageous women and men with integrity stand up to defend them!
Niagara West
Niagara West
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands & Rideau Lakes
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands & Rideau Lakes
Parry Sound-Muskoka
Parry Sound-Muskoka
Mississauga Centre
Mississauga Centre
Bruce Grey-Owen Sound
Bruce Grey-Owen Sound
Toronto-St. Paul's
Toronto-St. Paul's
There’s this thing called a BOX. 
For now, you “have the choice” to either get in it, or break out of it.  
The 1st step is to see, and smell the B.S.
After that, understand we are “ALL” being boxed in, to a stagflation, to ultimately be buried, to “IN THE END,” enable the 1% privileged few to have eternal power over the many.  The narcissist narrative is so obvious and outspoken, that it makes an awake person nauseous to know that too many sleep-walk in lockstep with the media, consciously over the cliff...
Pick a flower, and deliver it by hand.  Smile, and have a real conversation to really show you care.
The time is coming soon, when you will, once more, feel a sense of solidarity in community and personal sovereignty.  
COMING SOON, the PPO, www.populistpartyontario.com will shine the light on the layers of illegitimate legacy politics, 
and offer a new option and opportunity to leave a legacy of liberation for the little ones to remember the “normal” of being FREE...
Every BOOK has a COVER 
that projects the visual psychological power of a written narrative.  At bedtime, children gravitate to the special story-telling time parents provide us, that form our thoughts, perspectives and dreams as we grow to become “big people.”
Have you set your bedtime, “WAKE-UP TIME” in a state of slumber and simulacra, so the toddlers you told you love, will ultimately topple into the grip of Tyranny?  As grown-ups, have you experienced the nightmare of night sweats, regarding the “real” long-term ramifications of BILL 100?
Consider the fact, that warm fuzzy feeling you feel in the comfort of “your own home” could soon be over, if you don’t really 
open your eyes to the “Open Ontario Act.”  The “Political Devil in the Deal” is always in the detail.
Ontario’s Bill 100 presents a grave danger to democracy and Charter Rights in Ontario, said Rick Nicholls MPP from a letter that he read yesterday: it gives the govt the power to seize property (your house, car, etc.) without a hearing or trial for exercising your guaranteed right to freedom of speech and assembly, that is, for merely protesting. Guilty until proven innocent and unable to speak out against the govt.”
Give a human a fish and eat for one day.  
Give a human a fishing rod and eat for life.  
GIVE INTO the getaway to catch fish together, so you can ground human friendships.
The “CAUTION in the CATCH” is to not get caught with their same old hook…er in your mouth for another four long years, cause pulling away from the same sinking mistake, makes a rapid motion that stops you from swimming, and just sucks you straight down.  Don’t be breached and beached, be smART and smell the sharks with a strategic sense of smell.
Look inside, heed the history of rusty hooks, see how rugged riggs slid over strong seas.  Learn to see yourself, swim with the strength, stand sideways in the skill to float on your back, with the faith to look up to the sky, pontoon in your own personal powerful position, let your freedom elevate you to float your own foundation.
“LET’S GO FISHIN” friends to find what is right for the people.  www.populistpartyontario.com
THE MEDICAL 4Ds of Negligence: 
DUTY - the Medical Professional Duty of Care 
DEVIATION – from the Standard of Care, DIRECT cause of the Injury, DAMAGES
THE 4Ds of LAWlessness:
ENTER the 5th dimension: 
WE live in the Age of the Globalist “BLAME & SHAME GAME.”  The evacuation of the old normal “AGE” involves eliminating inconvenient thoughts of freedom, burning down books of fact to enter new fictions, while punching out pages of proof to prevent their turning, to elevate the elite into an event horizon, that will evaluate and escalate a new “ZEITGEIST” of Tyranny tried out in the past two World Wars.
EVERYTHING, and EVERYONE will be given a new definition, duty, degree and designation.  A great “RESET” is your recovery, if your will allows that.  So, it seems stringent to present to the “sober page-turner” an educational perspective to consider, and contemplate: the “4D’s” of the “BIG” BRANDS.”​​​​​​​  Be diligent to download common sense, do your homework, disconnect from mainstream disinformation, put a dot into the best box on voting day.   www.populistpartyontario.com
W.H.O. is your DADDY DOUG? 
Behind every #man stands a supportive #woman.  Justin Trudeau calls on good old-fashioned parental learning, and has always cleverly collected a generous Globalist allowance for good deeds done, with a diligence to just do what he is taught and told to do as a young Global Leader, just like Dougie.  So, follow the money… so you can make a difference for your children, by seeing the compliance that covers up corruption.
The ONLY OPTION on the dinner table today WHO is looking out for the Organization of your health is the PPO.  www.populistpartyontario.com​​​​​​​
GAS UP your mind to fuel the “common-sense” truth 
we are being all being forced to suck up SUPER INFLATION by the WEF 
so the SUPER WEALTHY can suck us all in to their SUPREMACY.
On CANADA DAY 2022, take one significant brave step up to read the books that show history is repeating, then speak up and share your knowledge, to courageously get in the game to cut off the Globalist Uni-party giants.​​​​​​​
What is DOUG FORD going to stick into you next?
Forfeit FORD NATION trickery, prevent plugging into personal political agendas that profit off conformity.  STOP being sheeple, who blindly believe legacy government cares, when reality and the past two plus years proves all levels of GOV. are gluttons for the glitter of Globalist POWER over the People. www.populistpartyontario.com

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